Wednesday, June 08, 2005

10 Things I Learned on my trip to Washington, DC (with apologies to Ashley!)

(I stole this idea from Ashley's blog...but I maintain that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!)

10. Driving 667 miles in one day with two children in the car looks like a fine idea on paper. The execution of this idea is another matter entirely.

9. The beltway is 50 miles in circumference--total. Don't miss your exit or you'll find this out like I did.

8. More than all of the cool museums, monuments, and other exciting events he attended, my 7 year old son loved the Metro the most (especially the very long escalator rides down to the platforms!)

7. My favorite athletic team is now the Washington Nationals (Go, Nats!).

6. Sticking your head out of your brother's car's sunroof trying to take a picture of the Capitol at night (see below) will get you some strange looks.

5. It's all about where you park.

4. My daughter is the best peacemaker our family has ever produced...I wouldn't be surprised if she grew up to work for the UN.

3. I know where every bathroom is in the National Air and Space Museum.

2. My brother and sister-in-law win the award for People Who Don't Have Children Yet Are Kid-Friendly

1. There's no place like home!