Monday, November 21, 2005

Survivor/ANTM Update

And for the reality TV fans, an update:

Ding, dong....Jamie's gone! In a bit of excellent play by the remaining Survivors, they crossed tribal lines to vote Jamie off. I love when this happens! And Bobby Jon's gone, too, so I'm doubly happy. I'm now rooting for Gary (who would've thought he'd end up being the underdog at the beginning? He seemed to have many advantages back then). And I told you that Lydia was a stealth player! Watch out for her....and for Rafe. My final four now is looking to be Lydia, Rafe, Steph, and Gary. That would be awesome! We'll see how it all plays out...

And for ANTM, ding, dong, Lisa's gone! I mean, that bit with the adult diapers? Hello? I did like her spunky attitude, but she quickly went psycho on us. We're rooting for Kim in our house...go, Kim!

The map of missing things

Saw Laurie Anderson this past week--it was mesmerizing. Got to meet her at a reception the day before her show--she was very personable and interested in everything. I want to be her when I grow up!

Catching up....Chicken Little was enjoyed by all ages. Loved the disco/dance hits (Spice Girls, Gloria Gaynor, etc.). I'm seriously behind on my movie-watching...hope to catch up over the Xmas holidays. Got 3 new CDs in the mail this weekend: a Chet Baker compilation, a jazz chillout compilation (with an awesome cover of the Doors "Light My Fire" by Julie London), and the Erykah Badu Live CD (finally!). Also, got a CD for my daughter for Xmas, but can't tell you what it is yet. Gotta get on top of the Xmas shopping as we are celebrating our holidays early this year.

Off to the land of my birth (MS) this holiday week. Will post any interesting pictures later.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

These are the people in my NotRepublican neighborhood

Okay, big disappointment in our household last night...America's Next Top Model went with one of those "let's recap the season so far because we're too lazy to show a real episode, shall we?" shows. I hope we get a new episode next week. But, we have Survivor to look forward to tonight, my little Tribal Council buddies! And it's merge-time--hurrah! Now, I can finally get all of their names straight. I'm amazed that Steph and Bobby Jon are still in the game. I've done a complete 180 on Steph...she was my favorite player last time, but I'm tired of her whole martyr-schtick. And Bobby Jon...puh-leaze! Why do they always have to find the Southerner with the worst accent ever? Really, we don't all talk like that!

For your liberal viewing pleasure today...a little Sesame Street flashback, starring Rov-er, Big Bird Bush, and the other NotRepublicans. Not for the children! (Source:

Movie updates: we're going to see Chicken Little this weekend--my son insists that we see it the day it comes out. I'll post a review later.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

More Joyce! And a movie review

Here's more about Joyce, our favorite single-monikered singing sensation (scroll down past all of the hoo-ha about Cameron Crowe to get to the good part). Who knew I was tapping into the Joyce Fever that is sweeping the nation with my last post?

Joyce Update #2: And yet still even more about Joyce (click on her picture to the left under the heading "Nice Ladies," and then on her album cover). You can even listen to a snippet of one of her songs at this website, aptly titled "I Get All Excited" (not to be confused with Rick Springfield's "I Get Excited" or the Pointer Sisters' "I'm So Excited). Help, Joyce is taking over my life!

I went to see Prime this past weekend, but I can only give you half a movie review, since I only saw half the movie! It was the strangest thing ever...halfway through the movie in a crucial exchange between Uma Thurman (love interest girl) and the guy (some TV star guy who I've never seen before), they start talking in digitized robot voices. For a second, I thought, "Now this is an interesting transition/effect!" But after another second, it became clear that it was a movie malfunction. I left the theater, told the management about the problem, got my raincheck for another movie, got my daughter and her friend out of the arcade (they had seen The Fog, surprisingly rated PG-13, which they proclaimed to be scary but not too gross). So, I saw most of the movie for free, and I'll get it on Netflix so that I can see the ending. What I did see was okay...the scenes with Uma Thurman and Meryl Streep (plays her therapist) were the best. I didn't really buy the romance between Uma and the TV guy.

Next movie I can't wait to see: Capote. Love, love, love me some Phillip Seymour Hoffman.