Saturday, April 29, 2006

It's....almost May?

One of my three readers actually posted to ask why I haven't posted since February. Ack! Is it really almost May?! Looking at the calendar, I find that it is too true.

What have I been up to? Let's see...working, taking care of the kiddos, thinking about planning a wedding next year, thinking about buying a house next year, writing, worrying about not exercising, launching a new grantwriting business on the know, just your typical Diva Mommy activities! D. participated in this project at Vanderbilt with Judy Chicago, which opened on April 21. If you live in Music City, go see it! It's open until May 13. His project is entitled "100 Women." If you look closely, you'll see my name and my daughter's name on the wall he painted. It's a very cool piece, and he worked so hard on it. I'm very proud of him! The picture below is of Darling Daughter at the opening listening to Judy Chicago speak. She (DD) was tired and hungry, but held it together for the sake of art.

Oh, and Steely Dan goes on tour this summer...and they're coming to Music City...yessss! I'm so there. Finally downloaded "Morph the Cat," and I like it. Of course, as I said to a friend, it would take a whole lot to make me *not* like anything by DF--he'd have to put out a record full of screeching ala Yoko Ono for me to not like it (note to self: record? Yoko Ono? you're showing your age, Diva).