Tuesday, January 30, 2007

New Year

An update on R.: he was suspended on his 2nd day back at school due to hitting his teacher. As I explained yet again to the principal how suspension to R. is like a reward (he gets to stay with mom! And doesn't have to go to school which he hates!), she basically admitted to me that the suspension was more about setting an example for the other kids than helping R. to deal with his problems. Anyway, I didn't fight it, so he was at work with me for one day, and he had in-school suspension for one day--both of which he enjoyed. I had him write an apology letter to his teacher, and had a long talk with her about some of the possible causes for the hitting incident. She was very gracious and she told me that she didn't want him suspended, but that it was the principal's decision. Whatever. At this point, I am just trying to keep R. off her radar screen and hope that we don't have any further incidents this year. When he got his most recent report card, he had brought all of his grades up (to A's and B's), so that was a definite plus. Also, after the suspension incident, I made an appointment to go see a new psychologist. We have seen Dr. J. 3 times now (once with just D. and me and twice with R. and me), and I think it is working for R. He really seems to like Dr. J., and looks forward to his visits with her. I hope she can give him some tools to deal with his aggressive and fearful feelings.

Sigh. Some good days, some not-so-good days. And so it goes...

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