Friday, April 29, 2005

I'm just no good at blogging...

I mean, I have a life, people! I have bad TV to watch (they kicked Steph , my favorite castaway, off Survivor, but I'm still gonna watch it), the NY Times online to read (okay, so I'm really reading other insane blogs like my new favorite I'm Stuck in Rehab with Pat O'Brien), and children to raise!

I can't tell you how painful it was to watch the Shrub (i.e. Dubya) try to speak English on TV last night, especially since he was pre-empting SURVIVOR in order to sell his phony "save Social Security before it's too late!" plan. No one under 40 thinks there'll be anything left for us anyway. At least I didn't hear any "culture of life" BS last night (and that from the killing-est cowboy governor Texas has ever seen, in terms of death penalty cases). What a load of crap. And my own senator, Dr. Billy Frist, is right in there with the ridiculousness. I hope the Republicans do run him as their presidential nominee in 2008...I can't wait to see Hillary debating him!

Concert update: I'm going to see Glenn Tilbrook (former frontman of Squeeze) on May 11 at the Exit/In! I've seen him twice before, and he's one of my very favorites. Can't wait!

Movie update: Finally saw Sideways, and, of course, the hype sorta spoiled it for me. Thought it was good, but not great. New movies out that I want to see: The Upside of Anger (I hate Kevin Costner, but love Joan Allen), Millions, Kung Fu Hustle, and The Interpreter. I hear Sin City is good, but I think I'll wait for the DVD. I've been trying to finish watching I Heart Huckabees at home now for 3's interesting, but I fell asleep halfway through watching it 3 days ago, and have not found time to finish it. See, I really am busy!

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