Monday, August 20, 2007

Better days

So, finally, someone came up with a better solution. R's resource (newspeak for special ed) teacher now meets him at the school doors each day and takes him to his regular classroom. He is comfortable with her since he's known her for over a year, and there is no "going from me directly to New Teacher" anxiety with R. anymore. I wouldn't say he goes to her happily, but there is no fight like there was last week. Big sigh of relief.

More R-isms:

(Talking at the dinner table about him being hungry during the school day):

Me: So, why do you think you are hungrier this year at school?

R: I think it's because lunch is sharper than it was last year.

Me: Sharper? What do you mean?

R: You know how they say "eleven o'clock sharp?" Sharper!

Me: Oh, you mean it's earlier than last year!

R: Right!

The way his mind works....

1 comment:

K. Brobeck said...

That's really pretty interesting--the sharper thing. Hmm.

Glad you've worked out a system for the transfer.