Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So far, so good

R. has survived his re-entry back to school, and seems to be doing well. His resource teacher even told me that he is not spending that much time in her class because he is doing his work in his regular classroom...YAY! I cannot tell you what a great relief this is; I just hope it continues. I turned in his application for the magnet lottery this past week, so I'm in hopes that we'll get our first choice when it comes to middle school for him next year.

Movie update: isn't it tragic news about Heath Ledger? I loved him in Brokeback Mountain, and I'm so sad that he won't be around to see his little girl grow up. He will be missed.

D. and I saw The Diving Bell and the Butterfly last weekend...go see it! An amazing film in terms of cinematography, but also a unique character study. You are required to be present in this film like no other film I've ever seen.

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