Monday, November 01, 2004

President Clinton calling...

So, when I got home today, I had a message from Bill...Bill Clinton, that is. Having spent most of my voting life in the decidedly non-battleground state of Mississippi, I have never had the pleasure of the recorded message from a Famous Politician imploring me to get out and vote. From what I've heard, Tennessee is not considered "in play" for 2004, but Bill's not ready to give up on us yet. Bless you, Bill.

Hillary in 2012!

UPDATE: I found out last week that I won 3rd place in The Nashville Scene's 2004 Fiction/Poetry Contest...$200 prize! I'll post a link to the poem soon (the print edition will come out 11/11/04). For those non-Music Citizens out there, the Scene is our alternative weekly. R.T. Smith, ed. of Shenandoah, was the judge.

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