Wednesday, May 04, 2005


So, I redeemed myself with my friend Ashley by actually meeting her for lunch today, so all is well in the world. Now, I just have to plow through this mountain of work at work, and perhaps by the weekend, I'll be done.

Today is Wednesday, which means tomorrow is Thursday--SURVIVOR night! Why am I so obsessed with this show? I really don't watch that much TV (well, not as much as some people, but more than others who don't have a TV). I think I like the random humanity of the faux-caveman (cavewoman?) aspect...look, we're all hunter/gatherers again! With TV cameras in our faces and product placement! Hurrah!

My friend William and I were talking about his 4 Point Scale of Happiness recently...he is a computer science Ph.D., so everything in life can be reduced to a theorem or matrix or some such for him. Here's the formula:

Use the 0-4 point scale (0=awful, 1=not great, 2=okay, 3=good, 4=wonderful!) in these categories (a word about the categories: I had to change one of them, because for me as a single mom, "family" and "relationships" come under two different categories. You can separate out the categories as you like):

Friends/Social Life

His theory is that if you have 3's and 4's across the board, you're doing about as well as can be expected. If you have two categories that are below 2, then that's pretty rough. It's helpful to take stock every once in a while...sometimes things aren't as bad as you think.

Movie Update: I finally finished I Heart was interesting and I gave it 3 stars on Netflix. If you are interested at all in existential philosophy, you would probably enjoy it. Also, saw Gia night before last (Angelina Jolie's breakout film). She plays crazy women well. Liked the stylized realism of this movie. And saw In America the night before that...a great film. The little girls steal the show in this one. Kids and I watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory last night...I hope the new one that comes out this summer w/Johnny Depp can match the wonderful bizarreness of the original (it needs to be appropriately quirky without going over the top...we'll see if they can pull it off).


Anonymous said...

Hey, Ashley...I agree that Johnny Depp is hot in a very metrosexual kind of way. I also have high hopes for the new WWATCF (hey, I can be cool now, too!).

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