Thursday, August 18, 2005

Back in Black

It's been over 2 months since I blogged here...what has happened to me? I took one of my two remaining PhD classes at MTSU this summer--only one more left to go now! And then comps and dissertation and one more language (Italian). So close and yet so far away. Gotta finish by 2008, you know.

So, I was busy reading 18th century literature, missing my kids (who spent the summer with their dad), listening to the silence, visiting the Clinton Presidential Library for my birthday (see pictures above), attending my 20th HS reunion (now you know how old I am), and thinking of reasons not to write or blog. I need to write now because I have a poetry reading coming up on August 27 at The Frothy Monkey here in Nashville. Kids are back in school, fall has to be right around the corner (please!), and the new season of Survivor should start soon (they are replaying old Survivor seasons on the Outdoor Living Network--Channel 72 in Nashville--and are on Season 2: Australian Outback right now).

I am thankful for many things in my life right now--good friends, being finished with this summer class, my kids being back, living in a city I love. Sometimes I'm scared that I will touch the bubble and it will burst, but then I go read Ashley's blog and laugh or read K's blog and find a nugget of truth. It's all good, people, it's really all good. And that's because we're all here.


Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, I'm all about giving shout-outs to my peeps! :-) I have been buried under 18th century literature all I took a break from church. But I'm back now!--Andrea

Anonymous said...

Aaah. Thanks!