Thursday, November 03, 2005

These are the people in my NotRepublican neighborhood

Okay, big disappointment in our household last night...America's Next Top Model went with one of those "let's recap the season so far because we're too lazy to show a real episode, shall we?" shows. I hope we get a new episode next week. But, we have Survivor to look forward to tonight, my little Tribal Council buddies! And it's merge-time--hurrah! Now, I can finally get all of their names straight. I'm amazed that Steph and Bobby Jon are still in the game. I've done a complete 180 on Steph...she was my favorite player last time, but I'm tired of her whole martyr-schtick. And Bobby Jon...puh-leaze! Why do they always have to find the Southerner with the worst accent ever? Really, we don't all talk like that!

For your liberal viewing pleasure today...a little Sesame Street flashback, starring Rov-er, Big Bird Bush, and the other NotRepublicans. Not for the children! (Source:

Movie updates: we're going to see Chicken Little this weekend--my son insists that we see it the day it comes out. I'll post a review later.


Anonymous said...

Bummed about Brandon!!

Although Bobby Jon and Jamie both hold up their Southern heritage the doorman Judd is a sterotype of a loudmouth from a different region, he just never ties himself to that.

So far I hate that the both Jamie and Judd have gotten away with being such incredible jerks without consequence. Its coming, I know, but I have a short attention span and want Vengeance now!!


DivaMommy said...

Yes, I wish it had been Jamie to go home and not Brandon. B. was a good the mold of Ian from last season.

I also hate Jamie and Judd. I think Lydia is the stealth player to watch...we'll see what happens!