Wednesday, December 21, 2005

New year

Now that all of my reality TV shows are over for the season, I'm feeling like I need to turn back to writing more about poetry, books, music...other art forms! TV is so addictive that way...visual crack or somesuch.

Anyway, my family celebrates our holiday early, so I've already gotten my presents, the tree's needles are falling, and I'm reflecting on the past year. 2005 was a good one for me...lots of life lessons learned, some harder than others. I feel blessed in so many ways, but always see room for improvement (the human condition, I suppose). One of my wishes for this next year is to try and take more time to just "be"...a difficult concept for me, at best. I'm a do-er and a move-er and find it difficult to just sit and be. But that will be my project this year...find more ways to "be."

As usual, I have a Christmas Break Movie Orgy planned...there are about 8 movies that are playing right now (or opening soon) that I want to see. I don't think I mentioned that the kids, D., and I saw The Chronicles of Narnia a few weeks back. I thought it was fabulous...the kid actors were all spot on. My kids and I have been reading the books, so it was fun to see the characters come to life on the big screen. The movie got a big thumbs up from all of us.

So, I'll post some movie reviews soon...The Squid and the Whale is the first on my list to see.

What I'm reading right now:

What I'm listening to obsessively these days:
  • Live, Erykah Badu
  • Katy Lied, Steely Dan
  • "Brighter Than Sunshine," Aqualung
What I'm dancing around the house to these days:
  • "Feel Good, Inc.," Gorillaz
  • "Beverly Hills," Weezer
Happy 2006!

1 comment:

yelhsacrow said...

Merry Solstice and Happy Holidays, Andrea!