Thursday, December 01, 2005

Who's your daddy now, Judd?

Tonight's Survivor episode was the BEST this season! I love it when they blindside people, and it's even better when they blindside someone I DETEST! I had hopes that Judd was going down, but I was worried that they might be teasing us and Lydia would go home instead, but NO! Steph switched sides at the last minute and cast the deciding vote for Judd. Yahoo!

It may have been the biggest betrayal ever since Kelly/Sue from the first season. Should make for an interesting final tribal council if Steph makes it that far (which I think she just might now).

Also, we are saddened in our house by the elimination of Kim and Jayla on ANTM. We're still watching, but we aren't as excited as we were before. We're rooting for Nic now, only because we have to root for SOMEONE. Sheesh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this may come back and bite them; as much as I love to hate Judd, breaking the alliance rules always seems to cause problems. In the teaser for next week Cindy was flustered about being left out of the decision, and it opens up this "I guess there are no rules/new alliance" mentality. Sticking To The Plan made the Africa four and even Palua four winners. The real winner this week was Lydia, she is turning into a comlpete gamer. I had been worried that she would be road kill but she has Played The Game.

(sigh) I guess you were right again (about Lydia)
