Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Brain Freeze

Today, R.'s brain was frozen. At least, that's what he said as I was trying to get him into his day at school. I had read on another autism mom's blog (who knew there were more of us?) that sometimes these kids have a problem with white's too bright for them. So, I asked R's teacher if she could put his daily contract on colored paper rather than white. She happened to have a few copies run off on light green paper, so we used that today. Hard to tell if it was helpful or not, though, since R decided that he wasn't having anything to do with writing today...not even the date and his name.

Sigh. I left him working with his former Resource teacher (that's what they call Special Ed these days) who always had a great way of making him laugh and getting him to do things when no one else could last year. She is a miracle worker. Let's hope that she worked a miracle on R.'s frozen brain this morning.

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