Thursday, August 24, 2006

A change in focus

Recently, I have decided to change the focus of this blog, and talk about one of the biggest issues that I face daily...being a mom to my eight year old son who has been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and Pervasive Developmental Delay--Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). This change in focus was born out of desperation relating to a very commonplace event...the start of a new school year. While my older daughter looks forward to the first day of school each year with anticipation and excitement, it is something that my son, R., dreads. For him, it means having a new teacher, a new classroom, a new set of rituals, routines, and rules...all of these things upset him more than you can imagine. So, out of my own frustration to try and help him (and as a writer who deals with life's issues best by writing about them!), I decided to use my blog as a place to vent my feelings, share our successes, and connect with other families dealing with children on the autism spectrum. It will be a place for me to record the absolute joy and the weary challenges of being a parent to one of the most amazing kids ever. I look forward to sharing my journey with you.

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