Friday, September 08, 2006

Friday at last!

So, R. got all of his eight stickers yesterday (a first!), but it turns out that, at the very end of the day, he kneed his good friend in the groin. The friend was trying to help R. and touched one of his tools (a "squishy ball"). R. interpreted this wrongly as his friend trying to take away his squishy ball, thus the aggression. The result is that this little boy no longer wants to be R.'s friend. R. seemed sad about it this morning, but it is a natural consequence of his action. It's important for him to understand this as he figures out better ways to communicate to people around him. And, hopefully, his friend will be able to forgive him somewhere down the road.

No phone calls from school today...that's one whole week with no phone calls for those of you who are counting! We have plans to go see Shakespeare in the Park this weekend--it's Macbeth, which I hope will hold R. and his sister, Z.'s attention. Here's to the weekend and no homework--yahoo!


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