Thursday, September 14, 2006

Good week

It's....Thursday? It's been a busy week for me at work, so I haven't posted all week, but no news is good news, as they say, and R. has had a fairly good week. His video game (Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy) came out on Tuesday, and that's all he's been talking about. The good thing is that this gives us a powerful reinforcer for him ("when you finish your homework, then you can play Lego Star Wars"). We finally had to tell him to quit talking about it yesterday...there's only so much you can hear about one topic before it drives you insane!

And I met with the behavioral consultant on Wednesday. She is amazing...gave us all sorts of good information about how best to deal with school. Most importantly, she talked about helping him to develop social skills and how it is important to teach him to deal with breaks in his routine, unexpected changes, etc. I realized how much we just work around R's obsessions and habits, but that he will have to deal with people who don't do that out in the "real world" one day. She gave me so much hope and support in what we are trying to do with R. I'm looking forward to working with her.

My mom is coming to visit today, so we plan to have a fun weekend with Nana. Good days all around this week...perhaps the sun is finally breaking through the clouds!


Christina said...

Hi!! I'm constantly looking for blogs of parents with kids with SPD. My son was diagnosed with this in the spring and I'm always looking for community of other parents going through the same thing. Anyway, I just wanted to know that I can appreciate what you're going through!! Waving hello!!

DivaMommy said...

Hi, Christina! Thanks for your comments. I started this blog to try and share my experiences with other parents of kids with SPD/ASD. So, I'm glad you found me! Let me know if you have any questions or other comments to and support is key!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just found your blog! My son is on the spectrum and we call his grandmother, Nana too.
I will read some of your archives to bring myself up to date. What grade is R in?? Owen, my boy just started Kindergarten this month. How scary is that??
Hope you continue to have weeks with no phone calls from the school!

DivaMommy said...

Hey, Tara! Thanks for your comment..R is in 3rd grade, and he was diagnosed with SPD while in kindergarten and with PDD-NOS just last year. Good luck to you and to Owen...starting kindergarten can be scary, but I'm sure Owen will enjoy learning lots of new things and making new friends! Keep me posted on his progress!