Thursday, September 28, 2006


Lots has happened over the past few days, but I've been too tired and frustrated to post about it. The short version is that it feels like no one is on the same page at R's school and everyone is confused about how to proceed. I have submitted a request for an IEP meeting, which should happen before October 13. I keep coming back to the same question: why is it so difficult to get R what he needs to succeed academically, behaviorally and socially? I see this wonderful, amazing, smart kid--and, yes, he's challenging at times--but, is it so hard for other people to see all the potential in him? It is so draining to have to fight this battle year after year after year.

I'm tired and need whatever positive thoughts, prayers, etc. you have to offer.


Unknown said...

You have them from me - I know what it's like. Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

It is the slow drip of your mental and emotional reserves that can be be the worst part in dealing with schools. You're right, every year brings new challenges, new staff, new agendas. I frankly wasn't up to it, so I just pulled my five year old out of Kindergarten. I couldn't fight the good fight anymore- it was sucking the joy out of parenting.
That said, you have your choices and circumstances to deal with. I do hope you find someone to partner with you in deciding what is best for your boy. Just one willing, considerate school staff member can make all the difference. Good luck, I will send my best wishes your way.