Monday, September 11, 2006


(Reading that blog post title reminds me of the Who song...)

Monday morning, we walk into R's class full of enthusiasm for a new week (that was me, at least), and we're confronted with a substitute. R starts freaking out, and I try to calm him down. The sub introduced himself and said that he had subbed for R's class before, and he knew all about him. He seemed very sure of himself, so I left R in capable hands (I hope). The good news is that it is after 3:00 p.m. and I had no phone call today, so that usually means nothing awful happened.

R. and Z. seemed to enjoy Macbeth this was a very interesting production with lots of Asian influences. Of course, I had explained beforehand to R. that Macbeth was set in Scotland (he knows he has Scottish ancestors; I was attempting to make it relevant to him), so he was very confused. He kept asking, "How could it be Scottish and Japanese at the same time?" So, Z. helped me to explain that it was like when SpongeBob goes back in time on some episode of that cartoon. This seemed to work for R.

My mom comes to visit this week and she has plans to visit R's classroom. Also, we meet with the behavioral consultant tomorrow. More on this later.

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